If you are searching for dentures over implants then call (03) 9796 5431 (Hallam) or (03) 5981 2255 (Rosebud) to make an appointment.
Nowadays, when all your teeth are missing, the best solution may be dentures secured with implants. You might ask, “What is this type of dental procedure?” Unlike the traditional type of denture where it simply sits on a person’s gum, customised dentures over implants stay secured.
Depending on the assessment of the patient’s situation, the dentures supported by implants can either be snapped on your jaw or clipped to a bar. These systems allow your dentures to be stable and secured in your mouth.

How does dentures over implants work?
Dentures over implants come in two options, the bar-retained and ball-retained. The material used for both is titanium. After the consultation with a general dentist specialising in the dental implant procedure, the following procedure will be performed:
- The attending dentist will numb the area to ensure the patient is comfortable and does not feel any pain.
- Openings are made in the patient’s gums and the channel for each implant is made of the bone.
- Implants are placed into the prepared channels.
- Covers are placed on the implants. Gums may be stitched closed for healing.
- While waiting for the healing process to take place, patients may wear temporary dentures. If the patient has existing dentures, they can be modified to fit over the implants.
- Expect the duration of healing to take several months until they become securely fused to the bone.
The next phase of the dentures over implants procedure comes with a series of dental appointments with the dentist to fabricate the patient’s final denture. If the gums were stitched, the dentist will gently expose the implants, then take the impressions and bite registration. These are vital information because the lab will use them as a guide in making the accurate model of the patient’s mouth. The model will be used to create a final denture that exactly fits the implants and the patient’s bite.
When it’s completed, the dentures will be placed onto the implants and checked for fit and bite.
Dentures Over Implants Offer Many Benefits:
- Implants slow or stop the loss of jawbone that occurs when teeth are missing.
- Dentures are stable in the patient’s mouth, making it easier to talk and chew.
- Dentures are removable, making them easy to clean and convenient for check-ups.
Denture retained implants with proper home care and regular visits to Dentures 4 You will give you a natural-looking smile, functional and durable teeth, that will keep you confident while eating your favourite meals.
With implant-retained dentures, there is no need to worry about placing adhesive on your traditional type dentures or being embarrassed with loose dentures. Your final dentures supported by implants will keep them in place.
To learn more about dentures over implants, the cost and whether you are an ideal candidate for this procedure, book a private consultation now.
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